... a future oldywed with no regrets

When the Lord joins man and woman, the two as one shall be, yet in the home they share with Him – in faith, the two are three. He multiplies their blessings, their sadness He divides, and for their different dreams and needs, He equally provides. He adds to their fulfillment and takes away their care, and one in Him, their total life abounds with love to spare.

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Thank youed out ... but grateful

I couldn't be more grateful for all the well wishes, gifts and money we got for the wedding -- it really does mean a lot to know so many people care, but I've worked on this second round of thank you notes for a couple of hours now and I've barely made a dent. Counting the first batch, I think I'm on card 72 or something with about 35 to go. I'm tempted to send a mass e-mail, but that's not personal and won't fly. I wonder if other people keep all of their cards like I do.

I guess I can't complain. A short note is the least we can do for the thought and time people put into their gifts. And I have to give kudos to Pete. He wants to help. :)

Alex is getting married in September, and I told her to put thank you cards on her registry. I was kidding, but I think she might have done it.

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