... a future oldywed with no regrets

When the Lord joins man and woman, the two as one shall be, yet in the home they share with Him – in faith, the two are three. He multiplies their blessings, their sadness He divides, and for their different dreams and needs, He equally provides. He adds to their fulfillment and takes away their care, and one in Him, their total life abounds with love to spare.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Cleaning supplies and peanut butter ... but not together

I just finished another round of cleaning the house and compiled a list of my favorite supplies:

1. Paper towels with the following saying: "Gardening is a way of showing you believe in tomorrow." I thought that was deep for Bounty. Philosophy and clean countertops in one.

2. Windex. But not just any Windex. Windex that doesn't leave streaks on the hard-to-clean stovetop, even though that's not the actual cleaner for it. 3. Swiffer Wet Jet! Pete calls it a diaper on a stick, but I like it. In other news, my favorite snack is an apple with peanut butter and chocolate chips. Like this:Plus a small glass of milk (see background). Mmm, deliciousness.

I did, however, discover that I have an issue with natural peanut butter. I've decided I don't like it as much and, despite the TWO places it advertises "no need to stir," I definitely have to stir it. Ick. I like my PB sans watery stuff on top.Oh, and here are a couple of random bits:

We now have a couple of extra "pets," both wandering cats that we haven't named yet. I saw one sleeping on our bench and thought it was dead, but I was wrong. (Which is good because I don't know how to dispose of a neighbor's dead feline.)Pete has also discovered what happens to gummy worms when you leave them in a hot car too long:

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