... a future oldywed with no regrets

When the Lord joins man and woman, the two as one shall be, yet in the home they share with Him – in faith, the two are three. He multiplies their blessings, their sadness He divides, and for their different dreams and needs, He equally provides. He adds to their fulfillment and takes away their care, and one in Him, their total life abounds with love to spare.

Saturday, April 28, 2012

New blog!

I have a new blog! Thanks to some Facebook suggestions, it's called Blogging at Tiffany's. :) http://bloggingattifs.wordpress.com/

Thanks for reading Newlywed, Unscripted!

Friday, April 27, 2012

Uh oh

My mouth literally dropped open when I pulled up my blog this week and saw that it's been more than two months since I wrote anything. I have, however, been keeping notes of things I WANT to write about, so that must count for something.

Because I have such a long list of topics but I'm also itching to start a new blog, I'm going to wrap this one up with a summary of last weekend, then start fresh. ...

Pete and I celebrate our 2nd anniversary in 5 days. Since we'll be at Western Carolina celebrating another momentous occasion that weekend (happy early graduation, Amanda!), we decided to start the festivities early with a weekend at The Cove near Asheville. ABSOLUTELY BEAUTIFUL. One of those places you don't want to leave cuz it's just that awesome. The first picture is from the common area of our cabin, called Pilgrim's Inn. The second was taken in the main lobby of the Training Center where you check in, eat, attend conferences, etc. It's also where I decided I want mountainy looking furniture in our dream home. (Along with a laundry chute, swing, bay window and room for a punching bag. Oh yeah. I keep a list.)

We decided to do a "personal spiritual retreat," which basically means you do your own thing with the intention of growing closer to God. On Saturday, we hiked to the overlook -- the steep way because Pete said it would be quicker, even though I said rushing and sweating isn't romantic -- and met another couple who we saw the night before. They were really friendly and probably the only other ones there who were our age. We ended up hiking down together. This was taken at the overlook as we celebrated our first hike with name tags. (You're supposed to leave them on at all times when not in your room.)

Later, we went through part of a booklet they gave us with a bunch of spiritual questions. It was good to talk about where each of us are with God, how content we are with our lives, where we're going, etc. We don't get much time like that where it's completely peaceful with no distractions. (No TVs in the room and I added a no phone rule.)

We also visited the chapel. We were the only ones there so I stood at the pulpit. :)

Another thing we talked about last weekend was what we've learned in two years of marriage.

Pete's list
- You do different things when you're married. Example: Before - Go out with the guys for a drink, play more video games, spend a weekend snowboarding. After - Host movie nights, do yard work, go to The Cove.
- It's nice to have someone to talk to when you get home - to listen to your problems or happy thoughts and to support you along the way.

My list
- Appreciate the small things: having breakfast together before a busy day, having someone to share dog duty with, hearing his voice over the phone at the end of a long day.
- It's easy to disappoint another person. Sometimes it's our own fault for having unrealistic expectations. Only God can fill our deepest needs.

So there you have it. It's been two years since I started this blog as a newlywed, and now it's time to move onto the next chapter. Next chapter, here we come!