Remember the woodpecker I wrote about? The one who continues, day after day, to drive us insane by running into the window 100 times in a row? Well I'm off work today and found that it's not just a morning thing. Apparently, it likes to come back for more in the afternoons. We now refer to the woodpecker as "that stupid bird," and Pete says he's going to shoot it. I wouldn't normally back the idea of shooting small animals in the backyard, but I support this one.
Wednesday, February 23, 2011
Monday, February 21, 2011
Age bracket
I just filled out a survey from Sephora. When it asked for my age bracket, I realized I'm no longer in the 18-24 category. I have moved up to the 25-34 category. Now that I'm here, I feel like there's a big difference between 25 and 34.
It reminds me of something Dad said last time I was home. He turned 49 in January and started getting letters from AARP and the scooter store. I wonder what I'll get now that I've progressed to the next level. Coupons for baby formula? Discounts on life insurance? Or maybe Chico's magazines "for the sophisticated woman."
Sunday, February 13, 2011
Max and the Maxima
I think we almost got a dog today. I say "think" because I'm not sure we would have completed the transaction, but I'm fairly certain.
A couple from church has two dogs, but just had a baby and can't handle both. They were looking to give one away, a Jack Russell mix named Max. Yesterday, Pete and I found out that they still hadn't found a home for him, so we talked about it for a while and decided to look into taking him. We were supposed to go by our friends' house tonight, but I got a call after church saying one of their friends already claimed him. The friend met Max yesterday and the couple didn't think she was interested, but she called today and said she would take him. I guess it wasn't meant to be just yet. I'm more disappointed than I thought I would be and spent a portion of the afternoon seeing if there are any others in the area in need of a good home. I found a few, but I'm not sure of the details and don't know what Pete will think yet. (He's working right and hopefully he won't read this before I run that by him.) If we did get a dog, we'd like to know it's been taken care of and isn't vicious or something. I'd really like to get one from someone we know, but we'll see how it all pans out.
I'm also attaching a picture of the Maxima that Lynn and Christa (aunt and uncle) gave us. I enjoy driving it a lot, and I'm particularly fond of the sunroof. :)

Thursday, February 10, 2011
Bye to my perfect little car
Below is an illustration of my mood today, the day after I wrecked my car. My old reliable '93 Corolla was smashed on each end yesterday, and I think it's totaled. Pete was talking about fixing it, but I'm not sure yet.
I was on my way to Goodwill yesterday (shortly after saying to myself, "I've been inside too long; I think I'll go to Goodwill") when I noticed the car in front of me slowing down really fast. I think someone ahead was turning. I couldn't stop in time and smashed into them, and the guy behind me hit me, mashing my trunk in to reveal the vacuum cleaner en route to said destination. I hit my head on the steering wheel, requiring another trip to the dry cleaners (darn wool) to get a couple of bloody spots off.
Thankfully, the couple and their little kid behind me were OK and their car was driveable. Mine was not. I guess the car in front of me was fine, too, because whoever was inside drove off after briefly pulling over and, I guess, making sure no one died or something.
At any rate, it took the cops a while to get there, then it took the wrecker forever to get there. I did get to sit inside an EMS vehicle, but got the icky news that I needed stitches. We missed urgent care hours by literally a minute and I had to go to the ER, which I'm sure won't be cheap. At least they gave me some Saltine packets and a mini can of Diet Shasta Twist Lime Lemon (not Lemon Lime). I had ugly blue stitches sticking out of my ... whatever the part above your eyelid but below your eyebrow is called ... for one of my interviews for work today. It's still bruised, but no biggie. They should be out by Monday.
But the really good news is that my aunt and uncle are extremely generous and letting me and Pete have their '95 Maxima that they take wonderful care of. I can't thank them enough. If we can't fix my Toyota, I'll miss it dearly, but I think we can get used to cruise control and a sunroof.
I hate that all this happened, but it's a blessing that no one was hurt and that I have an amazingly supportive family.
Monday, February 7, 2011
New discoveries
I made an exciting discovery today when I got home from work. I don't recall hearing them before, but while I was taking the trash out earlier, I heard church bells! Maybe that's the first time I've been outside right on the hour.
I also came to the disappointing realization that I'll never get rid of these:
... The endless, annoying supply of advertisements and coupons that come in the mail every other day. Occasionally I like to see what's on sale, so that's OK, but we rarely eat out, so all of those coupons go straight to the trash. I'm also sick of the credit card and cell phone offers. (I would have a picture of that, too, but I already shredded the one I got today.) No, I will not open immediately, and no, this "current resident" does not want your "free" phone. ...
So if you ever read my previous blog (the Life After Undergrad one), I wrote about being an aspiring runner. I was going to follow these podcasts called "Couch Potato to 5K" and work on my endurance, but that never happened.
Instead, I have decided to Zumba! My aunt and uncle bought me some DVDs for my birthday, and yesterday was my first time trying them out. My hip action doesn't exactly mirror the instructors', but I'll get there. I did it for about an hour and a half yesterday, and today my sore legs made me walk funny at work. That means it works! ... And that I didn't stretch enough at the end.
Check out a sample video:
Sunday, February 6, 2011
3 months, 4 paragraphs
I've failed once more at providing a timely update, but such is life. I'll break it down by month. (And in case you're counting, these two lines don't count toward the number of paragraphs cited in my subject line.)
December was a white Christmas in MN, meaning 30+ inches of snow, scarf shopping with Pete's mom and a rousing game of Cranium. (Pete and I won!) The five days we were there went by waaaay too fast. Oh, and I got to see a Christmas tree ornament Pete made when he was little. Can I get a collective "Awwww"? ... The dog pictured is Nick and Chanda's. Her name is Lucy. I guess that makes her my cousin-in-law, or something to that effect.
And since I can't decide whether this goes in December or January, I'll also mention the New Year's party at Sara's. (The picture isn't exactly in focus, but that's probably how most of the party's attendees remember it anyway.) I was personally a party pooper and got tired way too soon, at which point I realized how just loud people can be when they've had a lot to drink. I also had to work the next day, which is never fun, but I got to write about the first baby born in the New Year in Union County. :)
January included perhaps the best retro birthday party ever. It was a great mix of my different friends, complete with candy, games and clothes from our childhood. I liked Ashley's get-up the best. She had Care Bear pajamas, and the best part was that she just got them a couple of years ago. We played Twister and Battleship, drank punch out of silly straws and gave prizes (a paddleball game and glow-in-the-dark stars) for the best outfit. We also played Rock Band, which isn't really retro, but it was fun anyway.
Feb. 3 was Seth's 18th birthday. Last weekend, we went to TN and threw him a surprise party because Mom said this is her last chance before he goes off to college. He's never been into birthday parties, but was actually surprised and gave a great "toast." I can't believe he's already graduating this year. That just means more road trips to Nashville, assuming he goes to the Auto Diesel School there. ... Oh, and I know he's kissed his girlfriend, Lydia, before, but I actually saw it in person and it was strange for me. One of those things you can't prepare yourself for, especially when it's your younger brother who you used to push around in a laundry basket. I like Lydia a lot, though.
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